Discover your city.
Pay less. Explore more.
Experience your city in a whole new way with enjoyyit – the bonus and loyalty app for enthusiasts and savvy shoppers! Enjoy exclusive deals and rewards in every industry. Get your benefits now and explore the diversity of your city!
Find Partners
Support local shops and save money
One App, a lot of
Our Partners
15 categories and more than 155 partners are sharing their deals and loyalty offers in Vienna, check them!
With enjoyyit
save money
discover your city
get connected
enjoy your day
Benefit as a Member Now
Redeem Coupons and save money
Save with Coupons – Your Bonus Club Explore unbeatable shopping offers, tempting coupons, and discounts from our enjoyyit partners.
Earn loyalty rewards
Loyalty Pays Off – Join the Loyalty Club Discover new shops, restaurants, and bars. Collect loyalty points with every visit and exchange them for exclusive offers, vouchers, or discounts
Enjoy exclusive deals through minigames
Win with Minigames Our entertaining mini-games offer not only fun but also the chance to win great prizes while saving money. Every move could mean a real bargain.
Wish your favourite
Wished by you, fulfilled by us!
Show love to your favourite partner by giving them a heart. Don’t see your preferred pub, bar, or shop? Simply recommend and add them as a partner!
Enter the name of your favourite partner and click the heart!
WinZone for MEGA Goodies
Get rewarded for your activity
Collect enjoyyits
Open the app to receive free enjoyyits
Join the WinZone
Participate in the raffle with enjoyyits
Boost your Chances
Enhance your odds of winning by tackling the challenges
Easy as 1-2-3
Discover the Magic
Easy as 1-2-3
Discover the Magic
1. Find Partners
Easily discover partners near you, either on the map or in our partner list.
2. Claim Coupons
Get a coupon and activate it in your wallet.
3. Redeem & Earn Loyalty
Show your QR code to the partner, save money, and earn loyalty points instantly.
1. Find Partners
Easily discover partners near you, either on the map or in our partner list.
2. Claim Coupons
Get a coupon and activate it in your wallet.
3. Redeem & Earn Loyalty
Show your QR code to the partner, save money, and earn loyalty points instantly.
About us & Our Vision
At enjoyyit, we have a clear mission: to revolutionize the local experience and make supporting local businesses both rewarding and convenient. Our vision is to provide real value to both our partner businesses and our app members, contributing to a fairer environment. We welcome your feedback and invite you to join us in shaping this vision!
Join us, and…
Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to your most pressing questions: Dive into our FAQ!
How do I become an enjoyyit Member?
To become an enjoyyit Member, follow these simple steps:
– Download our free mobile app.
– Complete the registration process, including verifying your email by clicking the confirmation link sent to your inbox.
– Once registered, you can start enjoying bonus rewards right away.
How do I earn enjoyyits?
Collecting enjoyyits is easy; simply claim them regularly, and they will be added to your depot every minute.
How do I earn loyalty points at a partner?
To earn loyalty points you need to make a check-in at a partner’s store, simply open the enjoyyit app and display your QR code to the partner. They will scan it using their partner app, and you’ll receive 10 loyalty points as a reward.
How can I recover points if I forgot to scan my QR code?
If you forget to scan your QR code, you can retrieve your points by sending a support message within the app, along with a photo of your receipt.
Other questions?
Have any other questions or need assistance with something specific? Feel free to reach out to us through the app’s support messaging feature, drop us an email at [email protected], or give us a call at +43(0)660/262350. Our dedicated team is here to help you!“